Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thoughts in December

It's been pretty quiet due to the Holidays, so I've had time to think about the Save the Dresden Files Campaign, to look back on all we've done in 2007...and to wonder how in the world I got so involved!

If anyone had asked me at this time last year about how I planned on spending 2007, I can say with complete certitude that helping run a campaign to save a television show would not have been on the list.

But then again, at that time I hadn't seen or heard of the Dresden Files TV series or Jim Butcher's book series, either!

Well, I may not have been able to predict it, but I have to say that I've enjoyed parts of it, been annoyed by parts of it, confused by most of it, and angered by a good bit of it.

I've learned things I never even knew that I didn't know. I've learned how to find things that I'd never thought of looking for before. I've learned how to Digg, Blogg, and Forum. I've written more letters than I have in the rest of my life combined, and have logged more computer time than my kids - and that's considerable!

I've read nasty stuff about big businesses and corporations that I wish I'd never learned. Was astonished and aghast that one person with enough power could be selfish enough to allow their hurt feelings to prevent the happiness of thousands. Solidified my previously somewhat vague belief that greed is widespread and virulent, and strengthened my determination to not to turn into one of the people whose actions I despise!

I dislike this face, it needs work. ¬¬

So to sum it up, I've learned a lot in 2007 but most importantly, I've met some of the coolest folks in the country and around the world that I never would have met if it weren't for our shared love of excellent entertainment in general and the Dresden Files in particular! I've learned from them, ranted with them, planned with them, chilled with them, gotten to know them, and chatted with them late into many nights - and for that, I will always be grateful!

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