Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dresden Back on Sci-Fi: 11/9 & 11/16!!

For the first time since the end of Season 1, the Sci-Fi Channel is FINALLY showing repeats of the Dresden Files!!!

We've been keeping up the pressure on Sci-Fi to renew the series, so it COULD be the station execs are testing to see if we're serious - if there really WILL be a ratings spike for the repeats.

So I'm asking, ALL TDF fans are asking:

PLEASE WATCH THE REPEATS on November 9th & 16th then
WRITE feedback@scifi.com and scifiweekly@scifi.com & TELL them THANK YOU for the repeats & to PLEASE renew the Dresden Files for Season 2!!!

THEN, do the same thing in a letter or postcard!
We have THIS first, possibly last, opportunity to prove to TPTB (the powers that be) that we absolutely WILL support the Dresden Files!!
AFTER the shows have aired - as in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books - rinse & repeat!! Do it all again!

We need YOUR help now, please, PLEASE help us save a show that is more than worth saving!!


almagirl66 said...

Repeats! It's about flippin time!! I am making a note of it and will be telling everyone I know about it. Thank you, Zarina, for all the hard work you're doing to save our favorite show!!!

Addled Alchemist said...

Yipee! Reruns! I'll also be telling everyone I know to watch. You rock, Z!

I want more Dresden Files!