Sunday, August 19, 2007

August 19 - Happy B-Day to me!!

Well, its my birthday & still no news on the renewal or new home for TDF...Work must continue then. :)
News for today: my New Home 4 Dresden Petition has over 1,440 signatures and we're back up to 6th on the Most Active Petitions list!!!
We're a little behind the 100 signatures per day rate today, but considering how well it's been doing & the fact that many of the places where I had posted information have probably advanced off the main pages, I think we're still doing very well! :)
Still needing more fans/viewers willing to pitch in & help with the campaign & to buy tickets for the Raffle so we can raise enough money to do some really noticeable advertising/promoting! (
If I could have anything - ok OTHER than TDF back on the air - for my B-Day, I'd wish that someone would share some information or give me a contact that would help in this campaign. Bumping around in the dark isn't easy OR fun...Good thing I'm persistent (insert stubborn here). :)
Plans are going well for attending Dragon*Con on Labor Day weekend. I should have some interesting posts then!! Never been to anything like this, so it should be interesting & fun! :D I'm going to help out with the Dresden Files campaign, of course, but hopefully will get to see a good part of the sites, too. This'll be my B-Day present to myself! :)

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